Welcome to my October newsletter. The Government has shown its true colours in its Budget of Broken Promises. I'm fighting for fair fares for buses, keeping pensioners warm, veterans' rights and proper provision for children with Special Educational Needs.
It was all tricks and no treats in the Halloween Budget of Broken Promises
Have you signed my petition to protect our pensioners this winter?
Making the case for improved premises for Cambian Beverley School
Standing up for £2 bus fares with Fair Fares for Buses campaign
Returning to Withernsea Armed Forces Veterans Breakfast Club
Hearing how the Winter Fuel Cut will affect pensioners at St Ellen's Court
This month I responded to over 700 letters and emails from my constituents.
Fighting for better rural services
Delivering the high quality healthcare we deserve
If you or anyone you know is struggling to resolve a problem I might be able to help with then please get in touch with me by emailing GrahamStuartMP@parliament.uk.
To receive the very latest updates about my work in both Parliament and Beverley and Holderness, please follow me on Twitter and like my Facebook Page.
Best wishes,