Thank you for contacting me about expansion at Heathrow Airport.
We can all recognise that the completion of a third runway at Heathrow has the potential to bring considerable economic benefits, which would be welcomed. Therefore, in principle, I do not oppose the construction of a third runway. Nevertheless, we must acknowledge that the decision to expand Heathrow Airport must be based not merely on principle but on practicalities. I would note that there are clear and significant logistical barriers that would make its construction challenging.
Therefore, the Government must address these clear challenges. It is surprising to see the Government's support for this project despite the Prime Minister's previous opposition, the previous publicly declared opposition of the Secretary of State for Transport and seven other Cabinet Ministers including the Energy Secretary, Heathrow not having submitted a Development Consent Order, nor having confirmed its intention to do so, and the absence of clear plans from the Government regarding airspace, noise and additional work that would have to be done around the airport. Given the number of questions raised, my concern is that this is not a serious policy but rather an attempt to distract attention from the Government's economic underperformance.
It is only right that the Government and Heathrow answer the reasonable questions of local people before the project moves forward. Ultimately, Heathrow expansion must be a privately funded, private sector project, and any development must ensure that it delivers for both local communities and the fare paying public.
Thank you again for taking the time to contact me