Funding for local councils Thank you for contacting me about funding for local councils. I fully recognise the important and tireless efforts undertaken by local councils. They have a...
AI and copyright My constituents have contacted me about artificial intelligence (AI) and copyright. The Government has rightly identified both artificial intelligence and the...
Small Business Survey Small Business Saturday is taking place on 7th December. Graham is inviting all local businesses - whether they be wholesalers, corner shops, manufacturers...
Stop The Farm Tax Labour's Family Farm Tax will stop farms being passed to the next generation. Threatening our food security Risking jobs Leading to food prices rising. STOP...
Fair Fares for Buses In January 2023 the Conservatives brought in a £2 cap on bus fares to increase use of buses. And it worked. In East Yorkshire, patronage increased and...
Keep the Single Person Discount People living alone, of all ages, currently benefit from the Single Person Discount on Council Tax - worth 25% of a council tax bill or around £400 a year. The...
Protect Our Pensioners The Government is proposing to means test the Winter Fuel Payment this winter - and only those on Pension Credit will be eligible. Pensioners on just £220 a...
Keep Pensioners Warm We all deserve dignity - not least in retirement. For those who have paid into the system for so long, it simply isn't right to remove the Winter Fuel Payment...
Pot Holes in Humbleton East Riding Council has £168 million to spend on improving local transport. Let's spend some of that on fixing pot holes in Humbleton.
Graham's Crimestoppers From Summer 2022 to Summer 2023, we cut anti-social behaviour around St. Nicholas Green by 43%. With summer coming, we can't let up now. As a community, we can...
Preston Preston is a beautiful village, but traffic is a long-standing issue. Graham has been working with Cllrs John Dennis and Sue Steel for years to press for...
East Riding Transport Fund How would you spend £168 million on transport in your area? That's the question Graham is asking, now that the Government has made £168,269,000 available to...