Graham Stuart, Member of Parliament for Beverley & Holderness, is campaigning hard to support East Riding Council’s £40m funding bid to Government for improvements to the Jock’s Lodge junction.
East Riding of Yorkshire Council is seeking funding from the Department of Transport’s Large Local Major Transport Scheme Fund for major upgrading at Jock’s Lodge Junction.
Graham says “Jock’s Lodge Junction is a nightmare – there are long queues at the best of times and at the worst of times there have been horrific accidents and loss of life. I want to see massive improvements at this intersection where the A164 and A1079 meet, and it’s a top priority for me to see this happen.
“Last month East Riding Council submitted its Outline Business Case to the Department of Transport and should hear in May if it’s been successful in its bid for £40m funding. My constituents want to see Jock’s Lodge junction made safer and quicker to negotiate and I’ll be doing everything I can to help between now and May when the Government is likely to make its decision.
“I’m meeting with the Secretary of State for Transport in the next few weeks to put the Council’s case to him in person. The Council and I will be doing everything in our power to bring this funding to Beverley & Holderness which will make driving around our area more pleasurable and safer – it’ll be better for residents, and encouragement for businesses and tourists.”
Councillor Kerri Harold said “Jock’s Lodge is the worst junction entering or leaving Beverley, and the road signs are misleading. We need the upgrade to the junction to move the town’s economy forward. Councillor Elvidge and I fully support our MP’s campaign to bring improvement to our roads which will help bring investment and tourists to our area.”