Ray Garbutt, Chairman of Bilton Parish Council, invited local MP, Graham Stuart, to visit the Village Hall to see for himself the village’s readiness for an emergency, whether that be from flooding, or any other disaster.
Mr Garbutt, accompanied by Parish Clerk, Stephen Dale and Parish Councillors Terry Hill and Brian Gill explained to Graham how the emergency plan came about as a response to the floods which badly affected the village in 2007. The Parish Council worked closely with local landowners, the emergency services and the Environment Agency to put together a structured plan which means the Parish is now ready to act immediately in the event of a disaster.
Graham said “Bilton suffered appallingly in 2007 from the flooding. I’ll never forget the horror and misery on people’s faces as they showed me the complete devastation to their homes and their precious possessions. I know the fear of disaster happening again never completely goes away and I congratulate the Parish Council on their initiative and hard work in putting together an Emergency Plan. It’s a great example to set for other communities.”
Picture: Bilton Parish Clerk, Stephen Dale, briefs Graham on the Parish Emergency Plan.